
1. Property From

Specify the source property or building from which you want to copy units.

2. Property To

Specify the target property or building to which you want to copy units.

3. Unit From

Specify the beginning unit in the range of units you want to copy. Use this processing option with the Unit To processing option. If the range of units that is specified includes alphanumeric characters, the system ignores the alpha characters and includes the units for the numeric values that are specified. For example, if you enter a range of 103A to 407Z, the system copies all units that are numbered between 103 to 407, regardless of the alpha character.

If you leave this processing option blank but specify a value in the Unit To processing option, the system copies all units that are equal to or less than the value that is specified.

If you leave both the Unit From and Unit To processing options blank, the system copies all units for the building that is entered in the Property From processing option.

4. Unit To

Specify the ending unit in the range of units you want to copy. Use this processing option with the Unit From processing option. If the range of units that is specified includes alphanumeric characters, the system ignores the alpha characters and includes the units for the numeric values that are specified. For example, if you enter a range of 103A to 407Z, the system copies all units that are numbered between 103 to 407, regardless of the alpha character.

If you leave this processing option blank but specify a value in the Unit From processing option, the system copies all units that are equal to or greater than the value that is specified.

If you leave both the Unit From and Unit To processing options blank, the system copies all units for the building that is entered in the Property From processing option.

Note: If you specify a range of units with alphanumeric numbers, the system also copies any numeric units within the range that is specified. For example, if the source building has units 10 through 30 and units A10, B12, C14, and D16, and you enter A10 in the Unit From processing option and C14 in the Unit To processing option, the system copies units A10, B12, and C14, as well as units 10 through 14.
5. Proof or Final Mode

Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode. The system prints a report of the transactions that are selected for processing. The system does not copy the records or update any tables.

1: Final mode. The system copies the records, updates the appropriate tables, and prints a report.