
These processing options specify whether to copy log standards automatically when a floor is set up, and whether to copy the areas that are defined for the floor if you copy the floor.

1. Copy Log Standards

Specify whether the system automatically copies the log standards to the floor logs when you add a building. Values are:

Blank: Automatically copy.

1: Do not automatically copy. You can manually copy the log standards after you set up the floor, or the appropriate log lines individually.

Note: If a log line in the standard is designated as required (the RS field is set to Y), you cannot delete the line from the model or change the information in the corresponding LC,AM,ID, or UM field. To change the log line, you must set the Required Standards Protection processing option for the P1506 program to blank (do not protect), and then remove the Y from the RS field on the appropriate log standard.
2. Copy Area Master

Specify whether to automatically copy the area records in the Area Master table (F1514) to the new floor when you click Copy on the Work With Floor Information form to add a floor. Values are:

Blank: Automatically copy.

1: Do not copy. You must manually enter area values for the new floor.

Note: This processing option applies only when you are using the Copy feature; it does not apply when a floor is manually added.