
1. Escalation Generation Date

Specify the date that the system uses to begin processing escalations, to retrieve the index amount (if no override date is specified), and to assign as the starting date on the recurring billing records (if no override date is specified) that the system generates when you run the Escalation Update Without Post program (R15152). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

This list explains how the system uses this date differently, depending on the function it performs:

  • As the escalation processing date, the system uses the first day of the month that follows the date that you enter.

    For example, if you enter January 1, 2008, the system starts processing the escalation as of February 1, 2008.

  • To determine the number of months for which to generate catch-up billings, the system compares the date that you enter to the dates that you specified in the Next Month (NPSM) and Next Year (NPSY) fields in the escalation information.

    The system processes escalations through the number of periods specified in the Period Length field (ESCL) in the escalation information.

    For example, if you enter January 01, 2008, and the Next Month and Next Year fields contain 01 and 08, respectively, and you process escalations monthly, the system processes one month of catch-up billing (because it starts the escalation on February 01, 2008). If, however, the Next Month and Next Year fields contain 02 and 08, respectively, the system would not generate a catch-up billing.

  • As the date to retrieve the index amount, the system uses the month prior to the date that you enter.

    For example, if you enter January 01, 2008, the system retrieves the index from month 12 and year 07, based on the index code that you entered.

  • As the date to assign to the recurring billing starting date, the system uses the first day of the month that follows the date that you enter (the same date that it uses for the escalation processing date).

2. Adjust Periodic Billing Amount

Specify whether the system prorates the annual escalation billing during this generation. This ensures that a lease set up for a partial year is properly billed. Values are:

Blank: Do not prorate.

1: If a recurring billing record that results from this generation is effective for less than a year, the periodic billing amount is adjusted so that the system bills the entire amount of annual escalation.