RE Edits

1. Exclude Type Input Codes

Specify the type input codes in the Input Code 1 through Input Code 8 fields to disable when you apply receipts to invoices. You can specify up to eight type input codes to disable. The system returns an error if the type input code is used.

2. Automatic Application

Specify whether the system applies the receipt to open invoices automatically; use this processing option with the Type Input Code processing option. For example, if the Type Input Code processing option is set to 10, and this processing option is blank (apply receipts automatically), the system automatically copies the type input code that is specified into the corresponding field for all open invoices.

If the Type Input Code processing option is blank, the system ignores this processing option.

Values are:

Blank: Allow auto application.

1: Do not allow auto application.

3. Credit Auto Application

Specify whether to include credit memos (negative invoices) when the system applies receipts automatically; use this processing option with the Type Input Code processing option. Values are:

Blank: Apply credit memos automatically. Depending on the setting of the Automatic Application processing option and whether the Priority Code Application check box (using the Load feature) is selected, the system either displays credit memos only or displays and applies them.

If you leave the Automatic Application processing option blank, the system includes credit memos when the receipt is applied automatically. Additionally, if you select the Priority Code Application check box when invoices are loaded, the system displays and applies only those credit memos that are assigned bill codes that have a priority application code (PRAP) equal to 00.

If you set the Automatic Application processing option to 1, the system displays the credit memos in the detail area of the form, but does not automatically apply them. Additionally, if the Priority Code Application check box is selected when invoices are loaded, the system displays only those credit memos that are assigned bill codes that have a PRAP equal to 00.

1: Do not apply credit memos automatically. The system does not display or apply credit memos regardless of the setting of the Automatic Application processing option or the setting of the Priority Code Application check box.

4. Security Group Display

Specify whether the system displays security group records, which are invoices for bill codes with the value S in the Security Group field (SECG) in the Billing Code Extension table (F1512). Values are:

Blank: Display all invoices.

1: Do not display security group records.

5. Batch Entry

Specify whether the system allows receipts to be entered for multiple companies in the same batch. Values are:

Blank: Allow receipts to be entered in a single batch regardless of the company number.

1: Do not allow receipts to be entered for multiple companies in the same batch; all receipts in the batch must be entered for the same company.

6. Unapplied Receipt Company Validation

Specify whether to validate the company. Values are:

Blank: Do not validate.

1: Validate. The system issues an error if the company that is entered on the unapplied receipt is different from the company that is entered on the lease. If you do not specify a lease number on the unapplied receipt, the system locates the first lease that is entered for the tenant and validates the company number from that lease.

Note: This processing option applies only when you enter an unapplied receipt, not when it is applied to invoices.
7. Process Prepaid Rent

Specify whether the system allows you to process payments that are received before the date the rent is due, which is called prepaid rent. Values are:

Blank: The system does not process prepaid rent.

1: The system does process prepaid rent.

8. Default Prepaid Rent Bill Code

Specify the default prepaid rent bill code that the system displays in the Prepaid Rent Bill Code field on the Cash Receipts Entry form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not enter a default prepaid rent bill code.

9. Allow Override of Default Prepaid Rent Bill Code

Specify whether the system allows you to override the default prepaid rent bill code in the Prepaid Rent Bill Code field on the Cash Receipts Entry form. Values are:

Blank: You can override the default prepaid rent bill code.

1: You cannot override the default prepaid rent bill code.