Required Fields for Real Estate Management Data Upload Programs

When uploading data from a flat file to a Z table, all of the required fields must contain values. These fields are required in all inbound flat files:

  • User Id

  • Batch Number

  • Transaction Number

  • Line Number

  • Direction Indicator must be set to 1.

Additionally, you must ensure that the required fields for the table you are importing data into contain values. These sections list the required fields for importing real estate data.

Bill Code Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing bill code data:

  • Bill Code

Unit Master Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing unit master data:

  • Building

  • Unit

  • Unit Description

    This field is not required. However, if you are automatically creating assets when you import these unit records, Oracle recommends populating this field, as the value in this field is used to populate the Asset Description field. If you automatically create assets for the units you are importing, and this field is not populated, the system populates the Asset Description field with Unit NNNN, where NNNN is the unit number.

Area Master Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing area master data:

  • Building

  • Unit

  • Area Type must be populated with a valid value from UDC table 15/AR.

  • Area Level must be populated with a valid value from UDC table 15/AL.

  • Units (Indicating the amount of area in the unit.)

  • UM (Indicating the unit of measure of the area.)

Lease Master Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing lease master data:

  • Tenant

  • Lease Begin Date

  • Lease End Date (unless it is an open ended lease)

  • Lease Manager (if required by the processing options.

  • Lease Classification

    If you are importing lessor leases, set this field to blank as it has no impact on lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, assign one of the following valid values:

    • Blank: Not on balance sheet

    • 1: Operating lease

    • 2: Finance lease

  • Borrowing Rate (Required for lessee leases only.)

Lease Detail Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing lease detail data:

  • Lease Number or Old Lease Number

  • Building

  • Unit Number

    This field is required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for property assets. Lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Asset Number

    This field is not required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for non-property assets. Lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Lease Classification

    If you are importing lessor leases, set this field to blank as it has no impact on lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, assign one of the following valid values:

    • Blank: Not on balance sheet

    • 1: Operating lease

    • 2: Finance lease

Manual Billing Required Fields

Note: This inbound processor is intended to be used only for importing initial lessee lease billing information, which is used to create amortization schedules.

These are the required fields for importing manual billing data:

  • Lease Number (or Old Lease Number)

  • Generation Type must be set to 7.

  • Building

  • Bill Code

  • Batch Number

    A valid batch must exist in the F0011 table and be posted. Be aware that the system uses the batch number that you enter in combination with the batch type value you specify in the processing options to validate that a batch exists.

  • Invoice Date

  • Suffix (Pay Item)

  • Document Number (Invoice/Voucher Number)

    The Document Number must exist in the F03B11 table for lessor leases, or the F0411 table for lessee leases, and must exist within batch.

  • Unit Number

    This field is required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for property assets. Manual billing records associated with lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Asset Number

    This field is not required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for non-property assets. Manual billing records associated with lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Gross Amount or Taxable Amount (for domestic transactions)

  • Currency Amount or Foreign Taxable Amount (for foreign transactions)

  • Effect on ROUA

    If you are importing lessor leases, set this field to blank as it has no impact on lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, assign one of the following valid values:

    • Blank: No

    • 1: Lease Incentive

    • 2: Initial Direct Cost

    • 3: Lease Payment

Recurring Billing Required Fields

These are the required fields for importing recurring billing data:

  • Lease Number (or Old Lease Number)

  • Bill Code

  • Billing Frequency

  • Line Number

  • Starting Date (When the Effect on Lease Liability field is set to 1 (Yes) or 2 (Guaranteed Residual Value)

  • Ending Date (When the Effect on Lease Liability field is set to 1 (Yes) or 2 (Guaranteed Residual Value)

  • Gross Amount, Taxable Amount, or Annual Rate Per Square Foot

  • Building

  • Unit Number

    This field is required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for property assets. Recurring billing records associated with lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Asset Number

    This field is not required for lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, this field is required for non-property assets. Recurring billing records associated with lessee lease detail lines must have either a Unit Number or an Asset Number.

  • Effect on Lease Liability

    If you are importing lessor leases, set this field to blank as it has no impact on lessor leases. If you are importing lessee leases, assign one of the following valid values:

    • Blank: No

    • 1: Yes

    • 2: Guaranteed Residual Value

Asset Master Required Fields


This section describes the fields that are required for the Asset Master Inbound Processor program (R1201Z1I). This program is not a Real Estate Management program, however, for the purposes of importing asset leases, the fields listed in this section are required.

For additional information about this program, see Processing Interoperability for Fixed Assets.

  • User ID

  • Batch Number

  • Transaction Number

  • Line Number

  • Direction indicator must be set to 1

  • Transaction Type must equal JDEFA

  • Transaction Action must equal A

  • Company

  • Business Unit

  • Asset Description