Running the Create Assets from Unit Master Entries Program (R15072) (Release 9.2 Update)

Before running this program, be sure to review and set the processing options.

Use data selection to specify the unit records for which you want to create associated asset records. When you run this program, the system does the following for each selected unit that does not have an associated asset:

  • Creates an asset record in the Asset Master table using Next Numbers.

  • Populates the Unit Asset Number field in the Unit Master table with the newly created asset number.

The system determines the account number for the asset using the information in the unit record, and the processing option values. If the account that is used has not yet been set up in the Depreciation Defaults program (P12002), the system generates an error message.

You can run this program in proof or final mode, and you can specify whether the system prints the report upon completion.