
1. Copy Area Records

Specify whether to copy the F1514 records to the new units. Values are:

Blank: Do not copy records.

1: Copy all records.

2: Copy records based on the effective date in the Area Record Effective Date processing option. The system copies only the area records that have a begin date on or after the date that is specified.

2. Area Record Effective Date

Specify the date to use to copy F1514 records. The system copies only those F1514 records that have a begin date greater than or equal to the date that is entered. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date. The system uses this processing option only if you enter 2 in the Copy Rent Amounts processing option.

3. Copy Rent Amounts

Specify whether to copy rent amounts to the new units from the Market/Potential/Renewal Rent Master table (F159071). Values are:

Blank: Do not copy rent amounts.

1: Copy all rent amounts.

2: Copy rent amounts based on the effective date in the Rent Amount Effective Date processing option. The system copies only the rent amounts that have a begin date on or after the date that is specified.

4. Rent Amount Effective Date

Specify the date to use to select the rent amount records from the F159071 table to copy. The system copies only those rent records that have a begin date that is greater than or equal to the date entered. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date. The system uses this processing option only if you enter 2 in the Copy Rent Amounts processing option