Setting Up Bill Codes and Adjustment Reason Codes

  1. From the RE System Setup menu (G15412), select Bill Codes / Adjustment Reasons.

  2. On the Work With Bill Codes/Adj Reasons form, click Add to access the Bill Codes/Adjustment Reasons Revisions form and complete the following required fields:

    • Bill Code

      Enter code that determines the trade account that the system uses as the offset when you post invoices or vouchers. The system concatenates the value that you enter to the AAI item RC (for Accounts Receivable) or PC (for Accounts Payable) to locate the trade account. For example, if you enter TRAD, the system searches for the AAI item RCTRAD (for receivables) or PCTRAD (for payables).

  3. Specify whether the record is a bill code or an adjustment by completing the Bill Code or Adj field.

    If you are creating an Adjustment code, you must complete the Adj. Classifications field.

  4. Specify the Priority Application.

    Enter the two-character numeric code that indicates the order in which the system applies the receipt to the invoice pay item based on the bill code. The system applies the payment to invoice pay items with bill codes that are assigned a lower number (higher priority) first. For example, if one invoice has three bill codes with priorities 1, 2, and 3, the system applies the receipt to the pay item that has a bill code with a priority 1 first.

    Note: The priority application code is applicable only when you load invoices for receipt entry and when you select the Priority Code Application field.

    These priority codes are hard-coded for special processing:

    00: Enter this value for bill codes that you use on credit memos (negative invoices) when you want to use the feature to automatically apply receipts to specific credit memos only. This is based on a processing option for the RE Receipts Entry program (P15103). The system displays only those credit memos with a priority code that equals 00.

    99: Enter this value for bill codes that you use on invoices that the system bypasses when you use the feature to automatically apply receipts to invoices. This is based on a processing option for the RE Receipts Entry program (P15103). The system does not automatically apply receipts to invoices, regardless of the setting of the corresponding processing option, if the priority application code assigned to the bill code is 99.

  5. If you are creating a bill code that is used to identify security deposits, complete the Security Group field.

  6. Use the Subject to Late Fees field to specify whether the bill code is subject to fee and interest calculations.

  7. To further classify adjustment codes for reporting purposes, complete the Adj Classification field.

    This field is required if you entered a value of A in the Bill COde or Adj field.

  8. Complete any of these optional fields, and then click OK:

    • Special Processing Code

      Enter a value that specifies whether to use the bill code as the default value for unapplied receipts if the Unapplied Bill Code field is blank. If you set up multiple default bill codes, the system uses the bill code that it locates first in alphabetical order. If you do not set up a default bill code, the system uses the bill code UC.

    • Spread Code

      Enter a value that specifies whether to allow the invoices that are generated with the bill code to be paid. For example, you might have to prevent invoices for security deposits from being paid. Values are:

      Y: Allow.

      N: Do not allow. The system does not display invoices with this bill code on the Receipts Entry form, regardless of whether they were selected for payment using the Load feature and the Select features.

      W: Allow invoices that generated with this bill code to be paid, but issue a warning message.

    • Comment Required

      Enter a value that specifies whether invoices for the bill code require a value in the Remark field in the Receipts Entry form. The system assigns the description of the bill code by default.

  9. Straight-line Rent Generation (Release 9.2 Update)

    Use this field to specify whether the bill code you are creating should be included in straight-line rent processing.

  10. Lessee Accounting Setup (Release 9.2 Update)

    Use the Effect on Lease Liability and Effect on Right of Use Asset fields to specify how lessee accounting values are calculated. These fields are used when generating amortization schedules and journal entries for leased assets.