Setting Up Lease Option Types

Access the Option Type Revisions form.

Option Type Revisions form
Option Type

Enter a value that specifies the type of option that is offered on a legal clause.


Enter a description of the option type.

Detail Type

Enter a value that identifies individual items within an option type.

Detail Description

Enter a description that specifies details about an option type, such as the number of parking spaces.

Std Opt (standard option)

Enter a value that specifies whether an option is standard. The system automatically copies options that are standard when a new lease is added based on the setting of the processing option. Values are:

Blank: Not standard.

Y: Standard.

Std Lvl (standard option level)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/SL that indicates whether an option is defined as standard for the lease or the tenant. If the option is a standard for leases, the lease type must also be defined. If the option is a tenant standard, the tenant number must also be defined. Values are:

L: Lease. You must also specify the lease type if you select this option.

T: Tenant. You must also specify the tenant's address book number if you select this option.

Lse Type (lease type)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/LT that identifies the type of lease for billing and reporting purposes. Examples include:

AP: Apartment.

CO: Commercial office.

RT: Retail store.

SB: Sublease.

Recurring Option

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/RO that is used for informational purposes.