Understanding Adjusted Sales

After you post sales, you might have to change the sales figures (for example, when a tenant's actual sales have changed since the posting). Use the Adjust Sales Reports program (P1540) to change the posted sales amounts.

Note: If you try to select posted sales records from the Work With Sales Entry form that the system displays when you select the Expected Sales Entry and Unexpected Sales Entry programs, the system returns an error. You must select Adjust Sales Report from the G15221 menu. You can, however, select and revise unposted sales report records using the Expected Sales Entry, Unexpected Sales Entry, or Adjust Sales Reports programs.

When you revise posted sales amounts, the system:

  • Reopens the batch header record in the F0011 table.

  • Changes the Rpt Sts (report status) field from P to X, which indicates that the value has been changed.

  • Adds a detail record with the new sales amount.

    The report status for the new sales amount is blank until you post the batch.

The system retains the original sales amount to provide an audit trail of the changes. After you post the batch, the system updates the report status on both the detail record displayed on the Adjusted Sales Revisions form and the report status on the Work With Sales Entry form.