Understanding Attributes and Attributes Templates

For every real estate property, the components of individual units can vary. For example, units in residential properties may have different numbers of bedrooms, the inclusion of a washer and dryer, or a balcony. Units in commercial properties may or may not have handicap access, elevator access, or a rear delivery entrance.

In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system, these components are referred to as attributes. Property managers can create and assign attributes to a unit, floor, or building during setup. The system provides the following 140 data dictionary items for you to use to track attributes:

  • ZCA001 - ZCA080: Amount (numeric) values

  • ZCA081 - ZCA090 and ZCA121 - ZCA140: String (alpha/numeric) values

  • ZCA091 - ZCA120: Date values

The system provides description override examples for ZCA001 - ZCA013. You can override all of these data dictionary items to accurately describe the attributes you are tracking.

See "Defining a Data Dictionary Item" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Data Dictionary Guide.

After you set up attributes, you can create custom attributes templates to search for units and find matches for potential tenants. Property managers may use the templates by setting up a list of attributes that pertain to the type of units they are looking for (retail vs. commercial). Property managers may also decide to list attributes in the template in the order that they search on most often. For example, the number of public bathrooms for retail properties is a common search so it would be on the first tab of the template.