Understanding Recurring Billing Information

Before you can generate billing records automatically, you must set up the recurring billing information for each lease, such as the bill codes and billing frequencies, start and end dates, and payment terms.

You can set up billings for regular weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual cycles, as well as numerous other cycles such as 13-period, quarter-days, and irregular month and period combinations. The system updates the recurring billing record with an X for each period that corresponds to the billing frequency that you enter, based on the information in the Billing Frequency Master table (F15019). For example, if the billing frequency that you enter is Q (for quarterly), which is set up as the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth periods in the F15019 table, the system updates the corresponding fields (BF03, BF06, BF09, and BF12) in the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B) with an X. The Recurring Billing Generation program (R15100) uses this information to create billing records for the appropriate periods.

This table describes the transaction types you can set up for recurring billing:

Transaction Type


Invoices and vouchers

The value of the Lessee field (STMB) on the lease controls whether the system generates invoices or vouchers. If you leave the Lessee field blank, the system generates invoices; if you enter a value of either Y or 1 in the Lessee field, the system generates vouchers. You must set up a separate lease to process recurring billings for vouchers from the lease that you use to process recurring billings for invoices.

Note: After you generate recurring billings for a lease, you should not change the value of the Lessee field.

Journal entries (accruals)

The value of the Bill Type field (TRAN) on the Recurring Billing Revisions form controls whether the system generates a billing record or accrual record. If you leave the Bill Type field blank, the system generates a billing record (invoice or voucher, depending on the lease). If the Bill Type is A, the system generates an accrual record (journal entry only). When you run the R15199 post program, regardless of whether you post invoices or vouchers, the system generates a journal entry for the accrual in the Account Ledger table (F0911).

The system stores recurring billing information in the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B).