Understanding Security Deposit Refunds

Use the Security Deposit Refund Generation program (R15655) to generate a voucher to refund a security deposit to a tenant. You can use the R15655 program to generate a partial refund (before the lease expires) or a full refund (when the lease expires). If you generate a full refund, you can generate the voucher for the entire amount of the security deposit or for the difference between the security deposit amount and open invoices.

Note: Do not confuse a partial refund with a full refund that has been reduced to pay open invoices. You must generate partial refunds separately from full refunds. You cannot generate both partial and full refunds in the same batch.

You can use the Create Refund Batches processing option on the Process tab to specify whether to produce a report only, so that you can ensure that you are processing the appropriate records. You must run the program again to create and update the appropriate batches.

The system generates voucher or receipt records in these batches:

  • A voucher record in the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) in a voucher batch (batch type V).

  • A receipt record in the Receipts Detail table (F03B14) in a receipt batch (batch type RB).