Understanding the Batch Delete Program (R15806)

The Billings Batch Delete program (R15806) deletes unposted billing batches (invoices or vouchers).

When you run the R15806 program, the system:

  • Removes the entire batch of transactions and the information for the batch header simultaneously.

  • Resets the billing control ID for the related period from G (Generated) to blank in the Billings Generation Control table so that you can generate billings again for that period.

You cannot delete a posted batch. However, you can selectively delete unposted records in a batch that has been previously posted. These unposted records include any transaction that posts from the Lease Billings Master (F1511B) table to the Customer Ledger (F03B11) or Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) tables, but fails to post to the Account Ledger table (F0911). In this case, all of the associated records in the F1511B, F03B11, F0411, and F0911 tables are considered unposted.

You cannot use the R15806 program to delete batches of receipts, revenue fees, or security deposits because the system does not write records to the F1511B table. The R15806 program deletes batches only when records exist in the F1511B table.

The R15806 program removes records from these tables:

  • Batch Control Records (F0011).

  • Customer Ledger (F03B11).

  • Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411).

  • Account Ledger (F0911).

  • Billings Generation Control (F15011B).

  • Estimated EP Recurring Billings (F1502WB).

  • Lease Billings Master (F1511B).

  • Expense Participation Audit File (F1532B).

  • EP Billing Register (F1538B).

  • Sales Report Control (F1540B).

  • Escalation Billing Register (F1548B).

  • Lease Cap History (F15153)

  • E.P. Class Cap Expenses History (F15303)

  • Share Factor Denominator (F150122A)

  • E.P. Billing Account Adjustments (F1539A)

  • E.P Billing Class Adjustments (F1539C)

  • E.P Billing Account Exclusions (F1539E)

  • E.P Billing Adj Factor EP Class (F1539FC)

  • E.P Billing Adj Factor Lease (F1539FL)

  • Occupancy Gross Up Audit (F1538B1)

  • Exclusion/Redistribution (F1538B2)

  • (Release 9.2 Update) If the unposted invoice was included in the revenue recognition process, the system also removes records from these tables:

    • Revenue Recognition Invoice (F03B116)

    • Revenue Recognition GL Info (F03B117)

    • Customer Ledger Tag Table (F03B11T)

Processing options control whether the system updates the tables or generates a report so that you can preview the information to be deleted. The report also shows any posted information that cannot be deleted.