Understanding the Billing Detail Serv/Tax Dates Integrity Program (R15906)

When you run the post program (R15199) to generate invoices and vouchers, the system updates the service/tax date from the first detail line of the billing record in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B) to all of the pay items on the transaction. To update the invoice and voucher transactions with the service/tax date that was entered on each billing detail record, you run the Billing Detail Serv/Tax Date Integrity program (R15906).

When you run the R15906 program, the system compares the service/tax date in each billing detail record to the transaction pay item that was generated from it, and updates the service/tax date on the transaction record if necessary.

You can run this program in edit (proof) or update mode. When you run the program in edit mode, the system generates a report of the transactions to be updated. The report includes the relevant information about the F1511B record and the service/tax date from the corresponding F03B11 or F0411 transaction. The report displays an asterisk on every line for which a discrepancy exists. When you run the program in update mode, the system updates the service/tax date on the discrepant lines.

Note: When you run the R15906 program in update mode, the service/tax date that appears (under the Posted Serv/Tax Date column) is the date of transaction record before the update.

Processing options enable you to specify a date range for the billing records (F1511B), so that the program does not have to validate all of the billing records each time that you run it.