Understanding the E.P. Calculation Generation Program

To verify that you set up expense participation information correctly for each tenant before you generate the estimated or actual billing amounts, you can run the E.P. Calculation Generation program (R15110) to generate the expense participation calculations. You can also specify up to three versions of the Occupancy Refresh program (R15141) to retrieve up-to-date results.

When you run the R15110 program, the system:

  • Verifies that the class has been loaded in the E.P. Class Account Detail Cache for the building being processed. You use the Account Range Inclusion processing option to specify which accounts are loaded.

  • Retrieves expense participation information from the Tenant E.P Class Master table (F15012B).

  • Retrieves account amounts from the F0901 table or the F0902 table.

    The system does not retrieve amounts for accounts in which the flag is set to Exclude Account on the E.P. Class Account Override Revisions form. Using the following hierarchy, the system retrieves amounts:

    1. For each ledger type defined in the Ledger Type Groups table (F15302) that is defined in the Override Ledger Type processing option.

    2. From the Override Ledger Type and Adjustment Ledger Type processing options.

    3. For each ledger type defined in F15302 that is assigned to the E.P. Class.

    4. Default to AA ledger type.

  • Runs the Build E.P. Class Account File program (R15110B).

    The system generates a record in the E.P. Class Account Detail Cache for each account in the EP Class account range. For each account added to cache, the system uses records from the F1530 table. Next, the system checks for building-specific records in F15301 table. If none exist, the system checks whether any records with a wildcard building are in the F15301 table. If neither building-specific records nor wildcard-building records are in the F15301 table, the system uses the record from the F1530 table. In each step, the system checks the E.P. Class or E.P. Class Account Detail dates against the Generation Begin Date and Generation End Date. If no overlap exists, the system does not add the record to the cache.

    The system populates a G in the Billing Period field in the Billing Control Information program (P150111) which corresponds to the billing period number specified in the processing option. For example, if you specify a billing period of 12, the system updates the 12th billing period field.

  • Updates the E.P. Billing Register table (F1538B).

    The system generates a record in this table for every lease and all classes attached to the lease for which it generates an expense participation calculation.

    Note: The system does not generate a record if the total for the expense class is a negative amount.
  • Uses a processing option to determine whether to run the EP Billing Register program (R1538 or R1538S) and the EP Extraction Listing program (R1532).

    You use the EP Billing Register programs to review the calculations that the system generates and the EP Extraction Listing program to review the account balances for each expense class.

You can run expense participation at any time during the year for any tenant or lease.

Note: If you set up a tenant exclusion rule to exclude the billing expenses related to a specific unit type, such as anchor, you must generate and post the expense participation records for the anchor units first, so that the amounts can be deducted from leases set up with the anchor tenant exclusion. If the tenant exclusion rule does not specify a unit type, you can generate expense participation billings for any tenant or lease at any time in any order.