Understanding the Gross Lease Occupancy Refresh Program (R15141)

Run the Gross Lease Occupancy Refresh program (R15141) to calculate gross lease occupied area (GLOA) and gross leasable area (GLA) for all units in a building or property for a specified period. You can provide the information from the R15141 report to brokers who are seeking properties to lease and to landlords who can provide the information to prospective tenants.

When you run the R15141 program, the system:

  • Uses the dates entered in the processing options to determine the period of time, based on the lease dates, for which the calculations apply.

  • Retrieves the GLOA value from the Lease Master Detail table (F15017).

  • Retrieves the GLA value from the Area Master table (F1514).

  • Retrieves GLOA and GLA adjustment values from the Area Master table (F1514).

Processing options enable you to specify how the system performs the calculations and whether the calculations should be performed for all lease statuses and lease types. You can also run the program for specific building (business unit) category codes to determine occupancy for a group of buildings (for example, the occupancy on A-rated properties).

You can run and store multiple versions of the R15141 program. For instance, you can run the program using area values from the first of the month and then run the program again using area values from the end of the month. You can also run the R15141 program to obtain GLA and GLOA results for a defined area definition to ensure a more accurate denominator calculation for share factor denominator and tenant exclusion rule calculations.

When you run the R15141 program, the system updates the Gross Lease Occupied Areas table (F15141). GLOA and GLA adjustment area types defined in Area Definitions table (F15142) are used to adjust the values for GLOA and GLA that are populated in the F15141 table.

Note: You must run the Gross Lease Occupancy Refresh program (R15141) for expense participation when using the Share Factor Denominator Revisions program (P150122) and the Tenant Exclusion Revisions program (P150120) because these programs retrieve values from the Gross Lease Occupied Areas table (F15141).