Understanding the Process to Generate Escalation Recurring Billing Records

After you generate the escalation calculations, you must run the Escalation Update Without Post program (R15152) to create the escalation records in the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B). You can launch this program from the menu, or you can run it as part of the post process by setting the appropriate processing option in the Post RE Invoices or Post RE Vouchers program (R15199). You must run the R15199 program to generate and post the invoice or voucher transactions for any catch-up billing records that the system generated when the Escalation Billing Generation program (R15150) was run. If no catch-up billing records are generated, then you should run the R15152 program.

When you run the R15152 program, the system:

  • Generates recurring billing records in the F1502B table for the escalation amount.

    Depending on how you set the Combine Base Rent and Escalation processing option, the system can automatically include the escalation amount in the recurring billing amount for rent. The system suspends the current recurring billing record (based on the bill code that you specify) and generates a new record for the new recurring billing amount. Otherwise, the system generates a separate recurring billing record for the escalation amount only. The system assigns the value from the Estimated BRCD field (BRCD) in the escalation information to the recurring billing record.

    The system assigns the date that the escalation begins (which is the first day of the month that follows the escalation generation date) as the starting date of the recurring billing record unless you enter an override date.

    (Release 9.2 Update) All recurring billing records that are created for leased assets on a lessee lease are created with the Effect on Lease Liability field set to No. These records have no impact on the assets' amortization schedules or balance sheet lessee accounting journal entries.

  • Updates the Next Month (NPSM) and Next Year (NPSY) fields in the Tenant Escalation Master table (F15016B).