Understanding the Process to Print Statements

Use the Print RE Statements program (R155001) to send statements to tenants to inform them about their account activities and to provide them with an additional payment option. Statements list open invoices and their due dates, as well as the invoices that were paid in that period.

You can generate these types of statements:

  • Open invoice statements.

    Each invoice appears on a statement until the invoice is paid.

  • Summarized or balance forward statements.

    Unpaid invoices are summarized into a single balance forward amount, similar to a credit card statement.

  • Zero balance statements.

The system prints statement information from the Customer Ledger table (F03B11). The system stores statement information in these tables:

  • A/R Notification History (F03B20).

    This table stores information about the statement.

  • A/R Notification History Detail (F03B21).

    This table stores information about the invoices that appear on the statement.

Because the system stores statement information, you can review statements that were previously generated online to answer tenant inquiries and to reprint statements. You can also reset the last statement that the system generated so that you can include a last-minute payment by a tenant or revise the data selection. You must purge the statement tables to delete information.