Understanding the Security Deposit Tasks

After you receive the security deposit from the tenant, you can use the Security Deposit Refund Application program (P15654) to review and work with security deposits.

From the Work With Security Deposits form, you can also perform these related tasks:

  • Select Sec Dep Maint from the Row menu to access the Security Deposit Maintenance program (P1565) to revise the security deposit amount, add another security deposit, change the security deposit status, or add a receipt.

  • Select Required vs. Recv'd from the Form menu to review the security deposit records to compare the security deposits owed to those received.

  • Select Refund Application from the Row menu to apply the security deposit to open invoices.

    You can apply the security deposit receipt against any open invoice. If you are not refunding the entire security deposit, you should apply it to the appropriate open invoices before you refund the deposit.

    Note: You do not have to use the P15654 program to apply the unapplied receipt to invoices. You can use the RE Receipts Entry program (P15103). The advantage of using the P15654 program is that it locates and selects the unapplied receipt record for you.
  • Access the Security Deposit Refund Generation program (R15655) to generate a voucher to refund all or part of the security deposit.

    You can access the R15655 program from the G1515 menu or by selecting Refund Application from the Row menu on the Work With Security Deposits form and then Generate Refund from the Reports menu on the Deposit Refund Application form.