Updating Leases Globally

The Lease Global Update program (R15117) enables you to change specific lease-related values for the records in selected tables.

These are examples of situations for which this program is useful:

  • Maintaining the history for leases that have been moved to different units, such as when an appraisal results in the units being renumbered.

  • Changing the number of a tenant or the name of an alternate payee.

  • Recording when an internal building number or company changes.

Use the processing options to specify which fields and tables to update. This program uses information stored in the Lease Master Header table (F1501B).

(Release 9.2 Update) The processing options for this program have been updated to enable users to specify that they want to update the F1513B table (Straight-line Rent Revisions) when this program is processed in final mode. The addition of this processing option enables users to keep straight-line rent records in sync with records in related tables if the unit or building on the lease is updated.

You can update the following information:

  • Building number

    When you update the building number (business unit), the system does not change the company number in the tables. You cannot use the same business unit for multiple companies.

    You can use the Old Building Number and Old Unit Number processing options on the Options tab to limit the update to a single building and unit in situations in which multiple buildings and units are associated with the lease. If these options are blank, the system selects all of the buildings and units in the lease for processing.

  • Unit

  • Tenant

    When the system updates tenant numbers, the alternate payee does not change to the alternate payee for the new tenant. To make this change, you must also update the alternate payee in the Alternate Payee processing option on the Field Updates tab.

  • Alternate Payee

  • Alternate Payment Source

  • Manager

  • Occupant

  • Salesman

  • DBA (Doing Business As)

  • Lease Status

  • Payment Terms