Defining Additional Package Build Processes

Access the Additional Package Build Processes form and complete the following fields.

Process Name

Enter the name of the build process.


Enter a description of the build process.


Enter a number to identify the order in which the process will be run relative to the other processes that run during the package build.

Synchronous Execution

Select this option to indicate whether the package build job waits for the process to finish before it continues.

Batch Application or Executable

Specify whether the process is an application or an executable.

UBE Name

Enter the name of the batch application. Only applies if batch application was selected.

UBE Version

Enter the version of the batch application. Only applies if batch application was selected.

Machine Name

Enter the name of the server or workstation on which the batch application will run. Only applies if batch application was selected.

Executable Name

Enter the name of the executable program that the system launches to install the third-party software. Only applies if executable program was selected.

Target Path

Enter the path and file name of a target file. Only applies if executable program was selected.


Enter the executable parameters that the setup program uses to install the third-party software. Only applies if executable program was selected.

Note: You can also use this form to modify or delete any previously defined processes. Existing processes appear in the tree structure on the right side of the form. To modify a process definition, select the item on the tree structure and modify any of the fields for the definition. To delete a process definition, select the item and then select Delete or Delete Node After from the Form menu, depending on whether you want to delete a process that is executed before or after the feature is installed. You can run the process either before or after the feature is built. When you are finished adding process information, select either Save or Save Node After from the Form menu, depending on when you want the process to run.