Defining an Initialization File

Access the Initialization File (INI) Definition form and complete the following fields.

Initialization INI

Enter the identifier of an initialization file component.

File Name

Enter the name of the initialization file.

Target Path

Enter the path of the INI file.

Section Name

Enter the name of the application section in an initialization file.

Key Name

Enter a key in the initialization file that is to be added, modified, or removed.


Enter the value of the key in an initialization file.


Enter the option that identifies the action associated with the key in the initialization file.

Note: You can use this form to modify or delete any previous initialization file definitions. Existing definitions appear in the tree structure on the right side of the form. To modify an initialization file definition, select the item in the tree structure and modify any of the fields for the definition. To delete an initialization file definition, select the item and click Delete.When you finish adding initialization information, select Save Node from the Form menu.