Descriptions of Directory Files

This table describes the files that are found in the directories:




This is the location where .h and .hxx source files are located. These objects are taken from the server and built on.

Checkin\include and/or include64

This is the location where all the .h include files retrieved from the F98780R repository are stored.

Checkin\source and/or source64

This is the location where all the .c source files retrieved from the F98780R repository is stored.


This is the location where all the bitmaps used by the applications are stored.


This directory contains subdirectories that include the business function DLL names. Each subdirectory contains .c source for the business functions that are compiled and linked into the DLL.


This folder is no longer used but is created for backwards compatibility.


This directory contains build text, status files and log files (.txt, .sts, .log) for business function DLLs and specification files. The text files contain information that is needed for the server package build. The text files also contain build directives for creating business function DLLs. The status files for specification files indicate whether a server package build was successful in converting pack files into spec files. The status files for business function DLLs indicate which .c source files were successfully compiled and linked. The log files created exclusively for business function DLLs contain the compiler commands used to build and link business functions. For the Microsoft Windows platform, the beginning of this file identifies the compiler used to perform the build.