How the System Builds a Full Client Package (Prior to Tools Release

The following sections provide an overview of how the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system builds a full client-only package. All activity is done on the client/build machine.

Note: Any references to 64-bit apply to Tools Release 9.2.3 and higher.
  1. Server Package UBE (R9621S) runs first and initiates the server package build. The process determines this is a Client Only package and will continue to the R9622C UBE.

  2. Client Package UBE (R9622C) runs and initiates the client package build.

  3. Creates the package build directories.

  4. The system checks the F00942T->emdbsrcflg value for 1. If value is 0 or blank, the objects have not been inserted into the F98780R table. If value is 1, then the objects have been inserted.Client: This is only done once. If F00942T -> emdbsrcflg value is 0 or blank and the F00942T-> emenvfu2 value is 0 or blank, then the system sets F00942T -> emdbsrcflg=2 for processing. It does a fetch from F9860 for all objects that are not system code 88. It checks if there is a file associated with the object on the deployment server pathcode. If there are files, then it creates a par file for the object and inserts the record with the par file into the F98780R/F98780H. If the foundation selected for the package was 32-bit, then for business functions and tables, the par file only includes source and include files. It sets the object record in the F9860->sigtffu =1 to indicate that there are files for this object. When the process is complete, it sets the F00942T->embdsrcflg=1 for completion. It leaves the F00942T-> emenvfu2 as 0 or blank, as this indicates that the conversion of the include and source into 64-bit files was not done

  5. This is only done once. If F00942T -> emdbsrcflg value is 0 or blank and the F00942T-> emenvfu2 value is 0 or blank, then the system sets F00942T -> emdbsrcflg=2 for processing. It does a fetch from F9860 for all objects that are not system code 88. It checks if there is a file associated with the object on the deployment server pathcode. If there are files, then it creates a par file for the object and inserts the record with the par file into the F98780R/F98780H. If the foundation selected for the package was 64-bit, then for business functions and tables, it converts the include and source into 64-bit files in temporary include64 and source64 directories. It creates the par file with all four directories and inserts the record into the F98780R/F98780H. It sets the object record in the F9860->sigtffu =1 to indicate there are files for this object. When the process is complete, it sets the F00942T->embdsrcflg=1 for completion. It sets the F00942T-> emenvfu2 =1, which indicates that the conversion of the include and source into 64-bit files was done.

  6. This is only done once. If F00942T -> emdbsrcflg value is 1, the F00942T-> emenvfu2 value is 0 or blank, and the foundation selected for the package was 64-bit, then it sets F00942T -> emenvfu2 =2 for processing. It does a fetch from F9860 for all object that have F9860-> sigtffu=1 and that are not APPL, GT, or DSTR, and not system code 88. For each fetch, it retrieves the par file from the F98780R, expands the par file, converts the include and source files to 64-bit and places them in temporary include64 and source64 directories. It creates the par file with all four directories and inserts it in the repository. When complete, it sets the F00942T-> emenvfu2 =1 to indicate the files have been converted to 64-bit.

  7. Creates the INF file.

  8. If F00942T-> emdbsrcflg= 0 or blank, then it copies the files from the check-in location to the package name directory. These files are located under the directories res, source (.c files), include (.h files) and work.

    If 64-bit is enabled in Release Master, only the include64 and source64 artifacts are copied into the check-in location (Starting with Tools Release

  9. If F00942T->1, then it queries the F9860 for all objects with a F9860->sigtffu=1 and F9860->sy != 88. It retrieves each object from the F98780R and put them into the directories res, source (.c files), include (.h files), If the package is pointing to a 64-bit foundation, then it will put files into the source64 (.c files) and include64 (.h files) directories. It then copies the work directory from the checkin location to the package name.

    If 64-bit is enabled in Release Master, only the include64 and source64 artifacts are copied to the package location (Starting with Tools Release

  10. Creates an OEE Local database with the Central Object tables.

  11. Copies the 17 Central Objects tables into the created database.

  12. Runs the JD Edwards Enterprise One BusBuild program to generate the NER, compile and link the business functions, which create the DLLs in the bin32/bin64 directory, the objects in the obj directory, and the libraries in the lib32/lib64 directory.

  13. Build Business Services if selected.

  14. Build any Features that were included in the package.

  15. Compress the directories.