Improving Client Package Build Performance

If you find that client package builds take an inordinately long time when using Visual Studio 2013 or 2010, you can add and adjust the following setting in the [JDE_CG] section of the jde.ini on the build machine for the client package. The setting is passed to the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler as the /MP flag and specifies how many simultaneous compilations of business functions are allowed.


In this example, the value of "X" is shown in the table:

Value of "X"



This is the default value if the setting is missing. Visual Studio will attempt to start as many compilers as there are virtual threads on the build machine.


Only one compiler at a time will be run.

An integer less than or equal to the number of virtual threads on the build machine.

Visual Studio will attempt to start as many compilers as possible up to and including this number.

You can start with a value of zero (0), build a package, and, by looking at the build logs, determine how long the compilation takes. In some cases, you may not want to use all available virtual threads on the build machine. In that case, retry the build with various values until you get satisfactory build times.