Object Change Tracking

Managing modifications requires a practical version control plan for tracking changed objects. You can avoid many software problems by tracking changed objects.

To more easily plan and track development and to simplify version control, you should build and deploy packages only as often as necessary. If you perform many development changes, you should build and deploy packages on a set schedule to ensure that everyone involved knows when objects are due to be completed and when you are going to build and deploy the package.

Implementing version control might require a staff of information technology professionals. For example, a company has several hundred developers and a complex CNC configuration. To manage version control for multiple developers, the product version control group consists of:

  • One manager to oversee coordination within the department.

  • One supervisor to coordinate the package builds, coordinate object transfers, and troubleshoot problems.

  • Two server specialists to build server packages.

  • Four technical specialists to build workstation packages, perform object transfers, and run automated testing before releasing the package to Quality Assurance.

  • One night operator to build workstation packages, build server packages, and clear build errors.