Server Package Build

Server package builds are used to move path code objects stored in the F98780R repository table to enterprise server platforms. Server package builds are initiated when you create either full or update packages during package assembly. After you have assembled the package, you must select the server option during package definition, and select the relevant servers from the list of available servers in the screen that follows. When package definition is complete and the package has been activated, highlight the package and select Submit Build from the Row menu to start the server package build. When the server package build has finished successfully, you can deploy the server package.

To assemble a server package, use the foundation, database, and object information in package assembly to generate build information, specification files, and business function source for .c, .h, and .hxx files. After the server package build has generated these objects and placed them in the staging area, the system transfers the objects to each of the servers that is specified in the package definition. The system then directs the servers to compile the business function source code and generate the corresponding business function DLLs.