Source Code for Solaris Servers

The Solaris compiler expects a newline character at the end of every source code file that it compiles. If the compiler does not find this newline character, it rejects the line and displays a warning message. In some cases, this line rejection and message might cause the package build to fail.

If you develop custom modifications on servers that use the Solaris operating system, you must ensure that this newline character is present in the compiled source code before you assemble, define, and build packages that contain the modifications. This step helps ensure that the package build process finishes successfully.

In some cases, the system automatically adds the newline character, and you do not need to add it manually. If you edit source code in the UNIX environment using an editor such as VI or emacs, these editors automatically add the newline character. Also, all of the source code files for business functions include the newline character.

However, editors that are included with PC workstations typically do not add the newline character. Therefore, if you edit source code on a PC workstation and then transfer the file to the server for compiling, verify that the newline character exists in the source code.