Where Business Functions Are Stored

On a UNIX or Windows platform, related business functions are grouped into shared libraries. This grouping limits the size and number of procedures that are contained in each shared library. Grouping prevents memory allocation errors and avoids platform-specific limitations in the number of procedures that you can export per shared library.

The exact location of the package is determined by the Build Settings in the jde.ini which can be accessed through Server Manager.

Subordinate to the package directory (PD920FA) is a source directory. This source directory contains subdirectories for each shared library that is created on the enterprise server.

The checkin location holds all the include, source, and res files that were retrieved from the F98780R during the build. The process then copies only the server-only or server/client business functions to the PD920FA source and include directories to prepare it to build the business functions.

The directory structure looks like this example where the top directory represents the package name:










checkin\include and/or include64

checkin\source and/or source64


Each subdirectory contains the business function source files that belong to the shared library. All shared libraries are installed in the PD920/bin32(bin64) directory.

The naming convention for UNIX for the shared libraries is as follows: lib, followed by the name of the shared library subdirectory, followed by .sl (for HP-UX) or .so (for LINUX and AIX). An example is libccore.so.

For Windows, all DLLs are installed in the PD920\bin32(bin64) directory. They have the same name as the DLL subdirectories, except that they have the .dll suffix.