Interactive Applications

Do not delete controls, grid columns, or hyper items on existing applications. If you do not want to see them, hide or disable them. The system might use these items for calculations or as variables, and deleting them might disable major system functions.

This table describes the interactive application elements that are preserved or replaced during an upgrade.





New applications.


You can either create a new application, or copy an existing application using the Copy feature in Application Design Aid. This feature enables you to copy all of the application specifications, including event rules.

If you use the Copy feature to copy an existing application for some modifications, during an upgrade your new application does not receive any changes that the system might have made to the original application.

New hyper items added to existing forms.


New controls added to existing forms.


New grid columns added to existing forms.


Style changes.


Style changes include fonts and colors. New controls have the standard base definitions. If you adjust the style, you need to also adjust the styles for any new controls that you added to an application.

Code-generator overrides.


Data dictionary overrides.


Location and size changes.


In a subsequent release of the software, a new control might be placed in the same location that you have placed a custom control. In this case, the new control appears on top of your custom control. This situation does not affect the event rules or the functions of the application. After the upgrade, you can use Application Design Aid to rearrange the controls.

Sequence changes for tabs or columns.


The upgrade process adds new controls to the end of your custom tab sequence. You can review the tab sequence after an upgrade.

Custom forms on existing applications.


Instead of adding custom forms to existing applications, create a custom application using system codes 55 through 59, and then place the custom form on that custom application. You can then add to existing applications Form exits and Row exits that call your custom forms within your custom applications. System performance is not adversely affected when you call an external application from a row exit instead of from a form within the application.

Note: None of the custom modifications to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications are preserved during the Batch Specification Merge process. Instead, administrators must manually retrofit the modifications from a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workstation with the help of Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Visual ER Compare and FDA Compare tools when the upgrade is complete.