Path Codes

If you are not planning any development projects, you need only three path codes (sets of central objects): PY900, PD900, and PS900. If you plan to modify the software extensively, you also should create a development path code (DV900).

Because each path code requires version control maintenance, you should create only the path codes that you really need. Even when you make extensive software modifications, you should have only these four path codes:


The path code that you use for routine development. After successfully testing the objects that you develop, transfer them to the PY900 path code using the Object Transfer application, and distribute them to the users using the package build and deployment process.


A path code that contains a practice set of objects that you test during the conference room pilot before you transfer objects to production. Use this path code to deploy quick corrections or make minor modifications to objects that you will transfer to production. You also can use this path code to test modifications that were made in the development path code before you transfer the objects to the production path code.


The production path code from which just-in-time installations and production server objects are deployed. After you test software changes in PY900, transfer them to PD900, and then deploy the changes to the enterprise servers and workstations.


The set of pristine objects that is included with the software. You should not make changes to this path code other than to apply documented Oracle changes. Use this path code to compare standard software to any custom software that you have implemented in other path codes. You should keep a copy of this path code so that you have an unchanged copy of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne in case you need to undo any of the changes.

All path codes share the same Object Librarian tables, the same system data source, and usually, the same data dictionary. The only tables that are distinct for each path code are the central objects and specifications tables (tables that begin with F987), the F983051 table, the F98306 table, and the F98950 table.