Understanding the LocationURL Element in the Asset Definition XML File

After the business services package build process completes successfully and the asset definition xml files are generated, the business services package must be deployed to a valid business services server instance.

After a successful business services package deployment, the LocationURL element in each of the business service asset definition xml files is automatically updated with the actual WSDL URL of the deployed published business service.

For business services deployed to WebSphere Application Server (WAS), the WSDL URL is an http-based URL. For example, the LocationURL element for the RI_CustomerManager published business service that is deployed to WAS is set as:

<LocationURL>http://MachineName:HTTPPortNo /DV812_WEB/services/RI_AddressBookManagerHttpPort/wsdl/RI_AddressBookManager?WSDL</LocationURL> 

For business services deployed to Oracle WebLogic Server, the WSDL URL is specified as an https-based URL. For example, the LocationURL element for the RI_CustomerManager published business service deployed to WebLogic Server is set as:

<LocationURL>https://MachineName:SSLPortNo /DV812/RI_CustomerManager?WSDL</LocationURL>  

When the business services package is deployed to the WebLogic Server, SSL is enabled and the SSL Listen Port is set as the HTTP Listen Port of the Business Services Server instance on WebLogic Server plus 1. For example, when the Business Services Server instance is created on WebLogic Server, if the HTTP listen port for the instance is 7771, then during the deploy process the SSL Listen Port is set to 7772. This same value is set in the LocationURL element of the asset definition xml file for the published business service.

Note: If you manually change the SSL Listen port of the Business Services Server instance on WebLogic Server after the business services package is deployed, then you must re-deploy the business services package to the same instance in order for this new SSL Listen port to be reflected in the LocationURL element of the asset definition xml files for the published business services.