Adding a Security Override for Running Table Conversions

If your database is Oracle, SQL, or DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database, you must add a security override so that the table conversion process can drop and recreate a table. Adding a security override must be done by a security administrator. To add a security override, you must first add a system user for the data source owner, and then add an override for the EnterpriseOne user who will run the table conversion.

To add a system user for the data source owner:

  1. In P98OWSEC, select the form exit Add System User.

  2. On Work with System Users, enter the appropriate data source owner (for example PRODDTA,TESTDTA, or CRPDTA) in the System User field and select Find.

  3. If no values are returned, add the data source owner as a system user by selecting Add and completing the fields on the System User Revisions form:

    • System User

    • Data Source

    • Password

    • Password Verify

  4. Click OK and then Cancel and Close to return to the Work with User Security form.

To add an override for an EnterpriseOne user who is going to run the table conversion:

  1. On Work with User Security, enter the user who is going to run the table conversion, and select Find.

  2. Select the Form exit, Add Data Source.

  3. On Add Data Source, complete the User ID, Data Source, and System User fields.

Note: This override can be deleted once the table conversion has run.
Note: For IBM i, either sign on as a user who has *ALLOBJ rights to the table to be converted or complete the steps above, setting up a security override for the EnterpriseOne user so that when they connect to the data source, they connect as a system user (IBM i user profile) who has *ALLOBJ rights to the table.