Changing the Target ER

Perform any of these actions to change the target ER:



To copy selected lines from source to target

Select the lines to copy and then select Copy Right.

To copy all lines in the current event

See Merging ER in a Single Event.

To copy all lines in the application

See Merging ER in the Entire Application.

To delete selected lines from the target

Select the lines to delete, and then click Delete.

To enable or disable selected lines in the target

Select the lines to enable or disable, and then select Enable/Disable ER.

To undo the previous command

Select Undo.

To redo the previous command

Select Redo.

To reload the last saved version of the specifications

Select Refresh.

Each command is available from the Edit menu and tool bar.

Note: Use the Shift key to select multiple, contiguous lines and the Ctrl key to select multiple, noncontiguous lines.

When you are copying ER, JD Edwards ER Compare checks ER variable references before copying and automatically fixes nonmatching variable IDs. Not only does JD Edwards ER Compare perform validity checking on ER variables, which are present in almost every ER statement, but it also does many other types of validity checking.

Caution: Although JD Edwards ER Compare provides validity checking, which eliminates the largest source of invalid ER, you must still be vigilant when using JD Edwards ER Compare. When JD Edwards ER Compare copies ER statements, it does not check all of the object references in those statements. If the ER statements reference objects that do not exist in the target specifications or objects that have different IDs in the source and target specifications, JD Edwards ER Compare may allow the copy operation, which results in invalid ER. Different control IDs are very common for controls or objects that were not in the base version of the application. Controls that were added at separate times to separate versions of the application usually have different control IDs.

When you save changes, your local application specifications are updated. JD Edwards ER Compare prompts you to save before either of these operations:

  • Exit

  • Select new source location