Configuring a New Analysis

To configure a new analysis:

  1. Click Add.

  2. When creating a new report complete these fields:

    • Software Update Name

      Click the browse button to search for the software update you wish to analyze.

      Select the desired software update.

      Click the Select button on the tool bar. This will populate the Software Update Name field in the setup screen.

    • Description

      Enter additional details on this update in this field's text box.

    • Environment Name

      Enter the environment to do the analysis on (for example, DV900).

    • Expected Completion Date

      Enter the date you anticipate to complete the analysis.

    • Percent Complete

      Enter the percent complete for this update.

    • Impact Analysis Status

      Use the visual assist to select the status of the impact analysis (for example, 03 - In Process, 02 - Configure).

  3. Click OK to return to the SU Impact Analysis Master screen.