Customizations Summary

The Customizations Summary gives an overview of the impact of customizations to the system, and provides information to estimate the level of effort needed to retrofit the customizations. This summary sees the system as a whole (all of the data in F98881CU) and is not affected by any data selections the user provides before the run.

Note: The quickest way to extract a Summary ONLY report in RD9840RS and the R9840R standard UBE is to give an invalid data selection so that no data is selected. This is shipped with a default invalid data selection.

The Customizations Summary section contains the following:

Customizations Summary Statement

The Customizations Summary statement contains embedded values (xx) within a sentence. The sentence reads:

        System has  xx  customized objects impacting  xx Product Codes.

The Customizations Summary statement section contains the following:

Column Heading


System has xx

Refers to the unique count of objects that have been customized.

customized objects impacting

These objects could exist in multiple pathcodes and may have many versions.

xx product codes.

This shows the unique count of all Product Codes affected across all pathcodes.

Summary by Pathcode

This section shows all pathcodes affected by customizations and shows the number of objects affected in each pathcode. Remember that the same object might have been customized in multiple pathcodes. Thus, the sum of objects impacted by pathcode might not be equal to the total number of objects customized. The information is presented in horizontal bar chart and table format (RD9840RS) and table format (R9840R).

The Summary by Pathcode section has these columns:

Column Heading



Shows all pathcodes affected by customizations.

Number of Objects

Shows number of objects affected in each pathcode.

Summary by Object Type

This section shows all object types affected by customizations and shows the number of objects affected for each object type. The summary lists only object types that were affected and not necessarily all EnterpriseOne object types. The information is presented in pie chart format and table format (RD9840RS) and table format (R9840R).

The Summary by Object Type section has these columns:

Column Heading


Object Type

Shows all Object Types affected by customizations.

Number of Objects

Shows number of objects affected for each Object Type.

Summary by Product Code

This section shows all Product Codes affected by customizations and shows the number of objects affected for each Product Code. The information is presented in horizontal bar chart format and table format (RD9840RS) and table format (R9840R).

The Summary by Product Code section has these columns:

Column Heading


Product Code

Shows all Product Codes affected by customizations.

Product Code Description

Shows description of each product code.

Number of Objects

Shows number of objects affected for each Product Code.

Object List

This section shows information for the different types of objects affected by customizations. If the same object was customized in multiple pathcodes, the object is listed twice; one time for each path code it was customized in. This section does not list versions for objects.

The object list has these columns for each object type:

Column Heading


Product Code

Shows all Product Codes affected by customizations.


Shows pathcodes affected by customizations.

Object Name

Shows application affected by customizations.

Object Description

Provides a description of the object.