Deploying Batch Updates Using Change Assistant - Web Client (Release 9.2.8)

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.8, the JD Edwards Update Manager enables you to deploy multiple updates in the batch mode using the Work With Software Updates application (P96470W) instead of the Windows Deployment Server.


Ensure that the AIS Authentication is configured and you are connected to the Application Interface Server.

Deploying Batch Update Using Change Assistant (Web Client):

To download and deploy the batch from Change Assistant:

  1. In the Change Assistant, open Search for Packages in the tree structure.

  2. In the Advanced Search tab, select the Type as Electronic Software Updates, the Release Number as 9.2, and the Platform as Multi-platform.

    Click the Search icon.

  3. Select the packages you want to download and deploy. You can select single or multiple packages.
    Note: You can filter the search results by environment using the Target Development Environment drop-down list. Filtering by environment reduces the dependency list as credit is given for either Cumulative Updates and/or Baselines. Leaving a wild card can result in the full dependency list as many environments may not have all the dependencies.
  4. To download the selected package, click the Download icon and then select the Download To option, and then click Select Folder to download the package to the repository.
    Note: The Download and Deploy To option provides a way to download and deploy all selected packages in one step.
  5. Navigate to the In Repository directory under Work with Packages in the Change Assistant tree structure, select the package you downloaded, and then click Deploy.

    The Software Update Environment Selection form appears.

  6. Select the environment to be updated, enter an appropriate name for the batch in the Name field and click OK.
    Note: Select the Automate Special Instructions check box to deploy the UDCs and Glossary to your environment.
    The Change Assistant Deployment Summary window displays the result of the package deployment.
  7. Click the package name to review the deployment summary report.
  8. Click the package link within the summary report to review the detailed reports, the Deploy Software Update on Web (R96701W) and the Spec Merge for Web Deploy (R98700W) reports.

Validating Batch Deployment

After the deployment of the software package using the web client, you can verify the deployment on the HTML server.
  1. Access the Work With Software Updates application (P96470W).
  2. Search and select the software package that you deployed. The Software Updates Status pane on the Work with Software Updates form shows the completion status.

    You can view the list of generated reports in the CafeOne window (Software Update Plan History) of the Work With Software Updates form. Click on the View Output icons in the Software Update Plan History section to view the corresponding reports.