Merging Specifications Using FDA Compare

To merge specifications using FDA Compare:

  1. In FDA, open the target application.

    This is the application that you have been working on or that your company uses. It is the version of the application that you might want to change when you compare it to the source, which is a base version of the application.

  2. Select a source application (the one to use as the basis for the comparison).

  3. To change the view properties in the source or target property browser, select one of these options from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the pane:

    • All

      Displays all the properties and values in alphabetic order for the object including the translation properties.

    • Standard

      Displays only the standard properties in alphabetic order.

    • Translation

      Displays only the translation properties in alphabetic order.

  4. Compare the source application properties (on the left) to the local target properties (on the right).

  5. To merge properties from the source object to the target object, right-click in the property source property browser and select Merge to Target from the menu.