Object List tab

The object list tab has a summary statement that contains embedded values (xx) within a sentence. The sentence reads:

        System has  xx  customized objects impacting  xx Product Codes.

The object list statement section contains the following:

Column Heading


System has xx

Refers to the unique count of objects that have been customized.

customized objects impacting

These objects could exist in multiple pathcodes and may have many versions.

xx product codes.

This shows the unique count of all Product Codes affected across all pathcodes.

The Pathcodes Affected section has a list of pathcodes which can be clicked on to filter the report data to that pathcode only.

The Object Types Affected section has a list of object types which can be clicked on to filter the data shown on the report. It can also be clicked in combination with any other filters available on the page.

A table presents all of the objects affected by customizations (the list will be affected by any filters in effect). The table displays:

  • Object Type

  • Pathcode

  • Product Code

  • Object Name

  • Object Description