Preparing the Development Environment

This table lists the requirements to prepare the development environment.




Installer or system administrator

Logon status

On the deployment server, in the development environment, logged on as user JDE with the database password for user JDE.



Concurrent Tasks


To make sure you retain all modifications from the base development environment, complete these tasks:

  • Make sure that all work in progress is checked into the development path code. From a development workstation, use the Promotion Manager or your own query or report to verify that objects are not checked out.

  • Build the development package in preparation for deployment to one or more workstations.

Deploy the development package to one or more workstations. You will use these workstations later to help verify that all modifications were carried forward to the new release.

While you update, you cannot make any modifications (except changes to custom business functions written in C language) to carry forward to the next release.

Verify the Central Object Database is large enough to accommodate the update.