Report Components

The cover page of the report shows the report title, the date and time of the report, the data sources that were compared, and the report level of detail that was selected.

The report contains the following components:

  • Summary by Product Code (horizontal bar graph)

  • Data item differences (detail tables)

  • Report summary (text and table)

Summary by Product Code

The summary displays a horizontal bar graph showing the number of data items with differences in each product code in two environments or data sources. The summary is followed by a detail section, which displays detailed information about the items in both locations.

Data Item Differences

The detail section for each product code is sorted by data item aliases. The section consists of a table for each item, which displays the item differences. The information shown in the table differs, depending on whether the data dictionary item is a regular data item or a glossary data item.

Note: If the data item exists only in Environment (2) or Data Source (2), the report lists the item but does not display a detail section for the item.

For more information, see "Understanding the Data Dictionary" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Data Dictionary Guide.

Glossary Data Items

Each glossary item with differences has a table with the following columns:

Column Heading



Describes the result of the comparison.

DD: The glossary data dictionary items in the two locations are different.

Glossary Group

The glossary group assigned to the glossary data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

The most common glossary groups for glossary data items are E, H, X, or Y, although other types are available.

Product Code

The product code assigned to the glossary data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

Product Code Reporting

The product reporting code assigned to the glossary data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

Error Message

Error message tab for F9207.

Program Name

Program name (FRPGM) in F9207.

Error Level

The error level assigned to the glossary data item in the Error Message Information (F9207) table

Values are:

  • 1 - Error Message

  • 2 -Warning Message

  • 3 - Information Message

Item Glossary

Item Glossary tab for F9203

Data Item


Product System Code


Data Item (FRDTAI) for DD Alpha Descriptions F9203

Language (FRLNGP) in F9203

System Code (FRSYR) in F9203

Screen Name (FRSCRN) in F9203

Alpha Description

The description assigned to the glossary data item in the Data Item Alpha Description (F9203) table.

Generic Text Key

The glossary data dictionary item's Generic Text Key.

Glossary Text Change

Indicates differences in the glossary text.

Values are:

  • A - Glossary text is only in Data Source (1).

  • Y - Glossary text in Data Source (1) and (2) are not identical. (Yes, there is a change)

  • N - Glossary text in Data Source (1) and (2) are the same. (No changes)

Note: To access the values for glossary data items, select any of the following Data Dictionary Design (GH951) menu selections:
  • Work with Data Dictionary Items (P92001).

    Select Glossary Data Item from the Form menu.

  • Error Messages (P92002).

  • Workflow Messages (P92002).

  • Processing Option Glossaries. (P92002)

Regular Data Items

Each regular data item with differences has a table with the following columns:

Column Heading



Describes the result of the comparison.

Values are:

  • Only in (<location>): The data dictionary item is only in the location shown. Values are (1) or (2).

  • Different: The data dictionary items in the two locations are different.

Glossary Group

The glossary group assigned to the glossary data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

Values are: C, D, K, S, E.

Product Code

The product code assigned to the data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

Product Code Reporting

The product reporting code assigned to the data item in the Data Item Master (F9200) table.

The second portion of the table displays the values for the data item in the two environments or data sources being compared. The table shows the data item values for the following categories:

  • Item Specifications

  • Default Value

  • Visual Assist

  • Edit Rule

  • Display Rule

  • Next Number

  • Item Glossary

The table, with a side-by-side comparison of the field values in the two locations, enables you to verify all field value differences.

Note: To access the values for regular data dictionary items, select Work with Data Dictionary Items (P92001) from the Data Dictionary (GH951) menu.