Report Components

The cover page of the report shows the report title, the date and time of the report, the data sources that were compared, and the report level of detail that was selected.

The report contains the following components:

  • Processing Option Data Changed - Summary by System Code (table)

  • Version Differences Detail (horizontal bar graph and table)

  • Report summary (text)

Summary by System Code

The summary section displays a table that summarizes the number of versions without processing option data changes, the number of versions with processing option data changes, and the total number of versions for each system code.

Versions Differences Detail

The detail portion of the report is grouped by system code. At the beginning of each system code section, a horizontal bar chart shows the total number of versions with processing option data differences and without processing option data differences in that system code.

Each version with differences has a table with the following columns:

Column Heading



Describes the result of the comparison. Values are:

Only In: The version is only in the location shown in the Data Src column.

Different: The versions in the two locations are not identical.

PO Data Differ: The version processing option values are different.

Data Src

Data Location (1) or (2)


Version Name

An example of a version name is XJDE0001 or VER0003.

Version Title

Version Title

An example of a version title is "Mailing Labels for the Eastern Region."

Security Flag

Values are:

0 - No Security

1 - Medium Security

2 - Medium to Full Security

3 - Full Security

Option Code

Values are:

Blank - Disables the processing options for the version.

1 - Blind Execution. The application will use existing processing options without prompting the user.

2 - Prompt for Values. The application will prompt the user for processing options at run time

Check Out Status

Indicates whether the version is checked out in Object Management Workbench.

Values are Y or N.

Version Availability

Values are:

Y - The version is available for use from the server.

N - The version is not available for use from the server.

Processing Option Template Name

Processing Option Template Name

An example of a processing option template name is T0018P.

PO Data Differ (Y/N)

Processing Option Data Difference

Indicates whether there are differences in the processing option values in the compared versions.

Values are Y or N.

Note: To change processing option values shown on the Version Compare report:
  • For batch versions, use the Batch Versions (P98305W) application.

  • For interactive versions, use the Interactive Versions (P983051) application.