Summary by Object Type tab

The Summary by Object Type tab will display a pie chart that shows the distribution of the object types affected. The first line of the report has a clickable list of pathcodes affected. Clicking on a pathcode will interactively filter the Object Types to show the summary for that pathcode only.

The Object Types available for selection are:

  • Application

  • Batch Application

  • Business Functions

  • Business View

  • Data Structure

  • Table

The Number of Objects table displays the number of object types affected for the selected pathcode or for all pathcodes.

The Object Type Vs Pathcode comparison table is available which tells the impact of each object type in each pathcode.

The interactive report can be viewed in different formats. In View Report mode, select the View Report icon on the tab toolbar and select a viewing option:

  • Interactive

  • HTML

  • PDF (recommended output type)

  • RTF

  • Excel

  • PowerPoint