Understanding Package Downloads

Once you have searched for your packages, the next step is to download the packages. Downloading the packages makes them available to work with on your machine. For example, you can extract, transfer, copy, or deploy packages once they have been downloaded.

Your download folder structure appears in Change Assistant under the Work with Packages node. You can organize packages into subfolders based on release, package type, and platform. This allows for easy browsing, tracking, and management of packages. You could also further categorize the packages based on when they were downloaded.

To view your downloaded packages, select a downloads folder in the tree structure on the left side. The display on the right changes to display the packages contained in that folder in the Work with Packages grid. By default, only the packages that are immediate children of the folder selected in the tree are displayed in the grid. The Descendants option on the View menu allows you to display the contents of the selected folder and all the subfolders.

Clicking on the column in the grid header allows you to sort rows in ascending and descending order based on that column. You can also sort multiple columns by holding the Control key down while clicking on one or more column headers. Selected packages can be extracted, deployed, transferred to a different machine, or deleted, using the tool bar options.