Validating the Software Update

After the deployment of the software update(s) using the web client, the system generates the Deploy Software Update on Web (R96701W) and the Spec Merge for Web Deploy (R98700W) reports.

On completion of the software deployment process, you can view the list of generated reports in the CafeOne window (Software Update Plan History) of the Work With Software Updates form. Click on the View Ouptut icons in the Software Update Plan History section to view the corresponding reports.

The Deploy Software Update on Web (R96701W) summarizes the updated objects in a PDF file. To validate the update process, view the R96701W report and note the value of the Object Install Flag for each of the objects listed in the report:

Object Install Flag Value



The object was not updated because the existing object in the environment is more recent that the object in the software update.


The object is selected to be applied to the environment. (This is the status of all objects in the list before the upgrade starts, but should not be observed when the update process is complete.)


Updated object was applied to the environment.

The Spec Merge for Web Deploy (R98700W) report provides a summarized report of the specification merge of the objects for web deployment.