Validating the Update

After the spec merge process, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne generates the Software Update Report (R96701) that lists the updated objects and the SARs addressed by the update.

For Tools Release 9.2.1.x and after, if the path code value in the F00942T.emdbsrcflg field is set to 1, this report also updates the Object Librarian Archive Repository (F98780R) and Object Librarian Archive History (F98780H) tables in central objects.

This report is summarized in a PDF file that opens automatically once the update process is complete. If the spec merge process fails, this report is not created.

To validate the update process, view the R96701 report and note the value of the Object Install Flag for each of the objects listed in the report:

Object Install Flag Value



The object was not updated because the existing object in the environment is more recent that the object in the software update.


The object is selected to be applied to the environment. (This is the status of all objects in the list before the upgrade starts, but should not be observed when the update process is complete.)


Updated object was applied to the environment.

For Tools Release 9.2.1.x and after, also, note the value of the Update Repository Table column for each of the objects listed in the report:

Update Repository Table Value


Not Applicable

The object was not updated by the spec merge so there was no need to save it to the F98780R and F98780H tables.


The object was updated in the F98780R and F98780H tables in central objects.

Not Updated

There was an error saving the information to the F98780R and F98780H tables.