Working with Summarize Object Usage UBEs (R98902)

The Summarize Object Usage UBEs (R98902) populates the F98902 table with data up to the last complete day. The following four batch versions summarize data in F98902:

  • XJDE0001 - Summarize Object Usage by Object Name UBE

  • XJDE0002 - Summarize Object Usage by Object Form Version UBE

  • XJDE0003 - Summarize Object Usage by Product Code UBE

  • XJDE0004 - Summarize Object Usage by Business Function UBE

Each time you run a summarization version, it will summarize the records in the F98911 or F98912 tables based on the Object Tracking Type:

  • 01 - Object Name (F98911 and F98912)

  • 02 - Object Name/Form/Version (F98911)

  • 03 - Product code (F98911 and F98912)

  • 04 - object Name/Business Object (F98912)

Each summary will summarize by Tracking Unit:

  • 01 - Hours per Day (24)

  • 02 - Days per Month (28-31)

  • 03 - Months per Year (12)

Each time you run a summarization version, it will add to the existing records for Days per Month and Months per Year, so that it is cumulative from the first time it was executed and it will create new records for:

  • Hours per Day for new days

  • Days per Month for new months

  • Months per year for new years

The first time you run a summarization version, it will summarize to the current date minus 1 for the Object Tracking Type version selected.

At the end of the summarization, the UBE adds a LASTSUMMARY record to the F98902 table with Object Tracking Type of 01, 02, 03, 04 with the current date minus 1. This record will contain a value in the OSOTUT field of how many F98911 records were read.

The next time you run the UBE, it will use the LASTSUMMARY date and will only use records from that date to the current date minus 1. Each Object type will have a LASTSUMMARY record.

To launch Summarize Object Usage UBEs:

  1. Navigate to: EnterpriseOne Menus/ EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools/Application Development (GH902)/Object Usage Tracking.

  2. Click Summarize Object Usage by (select a version).