Cost Analyzer Batch Import Programs

You use batch import programs to import data from an external software system into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, where it can then be processed by EnterpriseOne programs.

This table lists and describes the available batch import programs that are associated with the Cost Analyzer business object:

Program and Program Type


Available Documentation

External Cost Analyzer Balances Processor program (R1602Z1)

After you review and revise the balance records in the External Cost Analyzer Balances - Interoperability Table (F1602Z1), run the External Cost Analyzer Balances Processor program (R1602Z1) to upload the records to the Cost Analyzer Balances table (F1602).

Before the External Cost Analyzer Balances Processor program uploads the records to the F1602 table, it edits the records to ensure that the information is in the correct format. After the program edits the records, it generates a report that lists the number of records selected from the F1602Z1 table, the number of records added to and updated in the F1602 table, and the number of records that failed.

See this topic for additional information: