Customer Schedule Option

1. Enter prefix (1 char) for adjustment name. (Required)

Use this processing option to specify the one-character prefix that is used for the adjustment name. The adjustment name is the prefix plus the next number plus the suffix for Bill Back and Off Invoice adjustment names. For example, if the prefix is S and the suffix is B (Bill Back), the adjustment name might be S123456B.

2. Enter suffix (1 char) for adjustment name. (Required)

Use this processing option to specify the one-character suffix that is used for the adjustment name. The adjustment name is the prefix plus the next number plus the suffix for Bill Back and Off Invoice adjustment names. For example, if the prefix is S and the suffix is B (Bill Back), the adjustment name might be S123456B.

3. Enter increment for sequence in schedule. If blank, 1.0 will be used.

Use this processing option to specify the numeric increment for sequence in schedule. If you leave this option blank, the system uses an increment of 1.0.

4. Enter start reserved range of sequence numbers for promotions.

Use this processing option to specify the beginning value in a range of sequence numbers that are reserved for promotions.

5. Enter end reserved range of sequence numbers for promotions.

Use this processing option to specify the ending value in a range of sequence numbers that are reserved for promotions.